A Suthra Discussion programme will start on Sunday 6th June and it will continue weekly. The programme starts every Sunday at 5.00 pm. This will be conducted by Ven Marassana Sadhananda Thero Resident […]
ධායකත්වයන් සහ විස්තර සදහා පූජ්ය මාරස්සන සද්ධානන්ඳ ස්වාමීන්වහන්සේ හෝ දායකසභාව අමතන්න Inquiries: Rev. Saddhnanda Thero Leicester Buddhist Vihara 9 Una Ave, Braunstone Town, Leicester LE3 2GS Phone: 0116 282 5003 email:enquiries@leicesterbuddhistvihara.co.uk […]
A meditation programme will start on Sunday 7th March and it will continue weekly, for the next 3 months. The programme starts every Sunday at 5.00 pm. This will be conducted by Ven Katakadure […]